Monday, July 23, 2012

Some food for thought

Sheesh....I'm really lazy when it comes to posting on this. So what have I been doing the past four months since I last graced your eyes with such marvelous literature? Well I got fired from my job, that kinda sucked. I made a piss poor investment in some equipment that is running my wallet bone dry. I have become increasingly tolerant to the amount of alcohol I pump in my system. To sum it all up: its the shits, but I just have to roll with it.

My firing from my job was of my own accord. Basically, I scammed the company out of some money for profit and ended up screwing my career up royally in the process. I knew what I was doing was wrong but it's like a gateway drug when you are attempting to earn that promotion you have worked "hard" for. Was it evil of me to give customers cheaper goods and a way to keep that said cheapness only to sacrifice the hard earned money the company itself has worked for? Yes and no. Yes meaning I was doing things that was deemed ill-mannered in the work force and no being that I really did not have the best interest in the company, only the customer. Marinate on that a bit. Why would such a multi-billion dollar company complain about two cents or even fifty cents off of their product (even though it is already funded from a different corporation) and go through the trouble of "helping" the customer. I was wrong but in my own heart what I did felt right. You would not believe how many people I have seen on a daily basis working there that had to pinch every last dime to feed their kids. I have a heart, a great one at that, and to see that kinda made me feel that I had that duty to make that customer happy by any means necessary.

The investment I made was based off renting some electronic equipment from a local Rent-A-Center. In the midst of my previous employment, I saw the investment as just a little something extra for me like a treat I wanted to eat but had to take it in piece by piece. I had the money for it, but I never expected to get caught at my job and getting canned in the process. I sold off said equipment to make up money for my rent that was due the very next week and to pay off the two-week period in order to pay off the equipment. Sucks cause now I have to pay that two week period for the next five months until it is fully paid off. I don't even have the equipment and it's ending up kicking me in the ass. But shit, you live and you learn from your mistakes and that's just something I have to deal with.

I'll admit, I have a bit of a problem when it comes to my drinking. I'm writing this slightly buzzed off a couple glasses of scotch I had with my brother (another alcoholic in the family) and still have a glass right next to my keyboard resting on top of my coaster that says "Here's To Another Empty Promise". It's not so much an alcohol problem, I am no where near the drunken level my brother is at most of the time. Just it helps with what I have to deal with on a day by day routine. The stress of taking care of myself, my mother, my sister, my idiot brother, the constant bickering I get from the peanut gallery, my job state and everything in between. I'm more of a casual drinker, my drunken texts do get a kick out of most people but when it all boils down to it: this man is not an alcoholic. I drink either with friends, after a meal or with family. When I do drink alone, its in the safety of my home and I know my limits on when I should quit. Plus I hate being sick while drunk, kills the mood and makes my daily migraine feel like a thousand earthquakes just lit off in my noggin.

Things are clearing up now though so it's not as dark as you may read it is. I have a slow but steady income coming in from my newly acquired job, I am writing again which is a plus and my mind is as ever wise as it has ever been. Plus....there's her. But that's for another time readers, now I must plan even more genius level posts for your enjoyment. I will be writing every night from here on out. Could be a short one sentence post, could even be an essay like this; just be prepared to read up on this man's daily life. And my god, The Rolling Stones are the shit.

- From the desk of The Cool