Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mad Men

  Now I know this is supposed to be the best damn piece of television since god knows when. I know this is like every modern adults best piece of entertainment with it's well developed script and fantastic cast. But for myself and in my own humble opinion, I think Mad Men is the slowest television series I have ever seen. Like honestly, this will be my fifth time attempting to watch the very first season and getting past the third episode without saying fuck it and moving along. It's just too damn slow for me, it's like the smokes in the show; just slowing burning throughout an entire conversation and when it finally gets towards the end it just dies and there is nothing left to interest in it till the next one.

Like I want to like him, but I can't
  I mean I get the characters, I get what the motive is for the series; it's just give me something to entice me a bit more. Give me a cliffhanger, give me someone getting sent to the hospital for no apparent reason, give me Don Draper in a drunken mad rage with six shooters in the air while wearing a top hat. But that isn't Mad Men, the show is too smart for its own good and that's what cripples my interest in it. Sure a miniseries of this series would be PITCH PERFECT for my tastes but do I really have to sit through four seasons of long drawn out drama? Well here's goes that fifth attempt at enduring this series. I am going to sit here, sip my peppermint tea and attempt to love this series like every other normal sane human being is doing now. If I post again, it'll either be for my love or absolute hatred for the series. Wish me luck?

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